Plumbing Maintenance and Basics

Plumbing Maintenance and Basics.  The plumbing vent system is part of the building plumbing drain system and serves two basic functions, which are to allow the drains to flow freely by allowing air into the drain and avoiding slow drainage which would occur if there was no air.  The second function is to allow sewer gases to vent safely outdoors.  This prevents the buildup of dangerous and smelly gases inside the home.

wett vent - barrie home inspector

Direct venting of fixtures is permitted with 8 feet of vent.  Basically, larger piping diameter allows longer distances between a plumbing fixture and its vent stack. If a plumbing fixture is located too far from the main building vent stack, then its own drain pipe must have its own vent stack connection piping.

Wet venting occurs when your fixture, such as a toilet is too far from main vent stack to be properly vented.  A wet vent would be a drain for another fixture which would be located closer to the main vent stack and is increased by one size to allow adequate air in to properly vent toilet.

Plumbing vent leaks and odours can be caused by a variety of items.  Dis-connected lines in wall cavities, vents not run outside or blocked vent lines are just some of the common causes of noise or smells.  Ensure any plumbing in your home is performed by a trained and licensed plumber.

CPVC Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe is not as flexible as PB or PEX and the fittings are solvent welded (glued) rather than press-on. This pipe is likely to split if freezing occurs. CPVC pipe is suitable for use on both hot and cold water lines.  There have been reports that CPVC pipe made by JM Eagle Corp has some problems with defects found within first year of installation.

Plumbing troubleshooting is an essential first step to making successful repairs. If you haven’t identified the correct cause, you might spend time and money on efforts that will go nowhere.  Locating the origin of sound is the first step, once the sound is located the problem may be self evident or you may require the services of a licensed plumber.  Most homeowners are capable of cleaning a sink drain which is usually a simple fix.

Septic Tank Maintenance and Inspection

Septic Tank Maintenance and Inspection.  A septic system is the most common method of sewage treatment for homes that are not on a public sewer line. A septic system consists of a septic tank, where solids settle and decompose, and a drain field where liquid discharged from the tank is treated by bacteria living in the soil. The septic tank settles out and decomposes solid sewage. The resulting liquid discharge from the tank slowly seeps into the drain field where it receives final treatment from bacteria living in the soil. Properly functioning septic systems treat sewage to prevent ground and surface water pollution. A malfunctioning system is a health hazard to your family and your neighbors, and will harm natural resources.

The solid-liquid separation is usually accomplished in what is called a treatment tank. The treatment tank is a relatively large structure typically made of concrete. The approximate size for a residence is 1000 to 1500 gallons. The solid material and liquid material enter the treatment tank by means of the drain pipe from the house. In addition to separating the liquid material from the solid material, the treatment tank also provides partial treatment of the septic waste through biological action within the tank. The solid-liquid separation is accomplished by the use of baffles within the tank. The inlet pipe is usually located at one end of the treatment tank and the outlet pipe at the other end. The normal liquid level in the treatment tank is at the level of the outlet pipe. The solid material that is heavier than water sinks to the bottom of the tank where biological breakdown occurs. Any solid matter that floats is prevented from going out the outlet pipe by means of an outlet baffle which extends just below the surface of the water.

While the treatment tank provides some treatment of the septic waste, it does not get rid of harmful bacteria and viruses, so further treatment of the waste is necessary. If soil conditions are adequate, this further treatment of the septic waste can be accomplished in the absorption area by biological action which takes place in the presence of air. Such microorganisms are known as aerobic.

Some of the common signs your home’s septic system might be malfunctioning? A clogged or overflowing septic tank might result in soggy, wet soil near the site. Also keep an eye out for pooling “gray water” that might be visible in the yard or grass above or around the tank area or leach field. Homeowners often report a strong waste odor outside. You might also find clues inside, such as clogging or backed up drains, which might be the result of a clogged sewage line, a full septic tank, or similar issue.

You pump out your septic tank to get rid of the solid sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the tank and the grease that accumulates as scum floating near the top. Both sludge and grease can foul the leaching field. How often to pump out depends on your tank size, family size, and how much of your wastewater is solid waste. For example: suppose your tank is 1,500 gallons, you’ve got four people in the family, and your solid waste is the average amount. Then you should pump your tank every 4 years. The volume of solids in the wastewater varies with such things as garbage disposals, dirty clothes, where you live. A family with a garbage disposal (compared with one that scrapes the dishes into a trash can) dumps up to 50 % more solid wastes down the drain, and, therefore, needs to pump the septic tank twice as often. Additives don’t do any good-or, at least, no controlled scientific study has shown them to be effective. So, save your money.

A non-invasive inspection of a septic system is often a good starting point for helping to determine the condition of an existing septic system. The following procedure is used by some inspection companies. Not all inspection companies will follow this same procedure, and since there are many variations in septic system design and function, each inspection is likely to be unique in its own way. Non-invasive inspections leave the soil virtually undisturbed and do not alter the system in any appreciable way. Any available, readily accessible access caps are removed and the liquid level inside is observed. The water inside the home is run for a minimum of thirty minutes. During this time the liquid levels in the access pipes (if any) are observed and the absorption area is examined for seepage or lush growth. The technician relies on visual signs for detecting any defects in the system. Since the soil is undisturbed this kind of inspection can be performed without damaging the lawn or risking the damage caused by digging up parts of the system.

Understanding Your Septic Tank

Understanding Your Septic Tank.  The septic tank is buried, watertight container typically made of concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. It holds the waste water long enough to allow solids to settle out, forming sludge, and oil and grease to float to the surface as scum. It also allows partial decompositions of the solid materials. Compartments and a T-shaped outlet in the septic tank prevent the sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the leach field area.The most common leach field consists of a series of trenches containing perforated pipe surrounded by septic rock, or gravel, and covered with mesh and dirt.  The effluent entering the leach field is partially absorbed into the soil and partially evaporated. the leach field should not be driven on or covered by a driveway or patio.

If your home’s plumbing system does include an on-site septic system, it is incredibly important to be aware of the signs of possible damage, along with the maintenance needed to prevent it. A damaged or clogged septic system can be costly to repair. It can also impose possible health risks for homeowners, tenants and neighbors. A failing septic system could be responsible for releasing wastewater and harmful bacteria and viruses, including E. coli.

There are many different types of septic systems ranging from what are called conventional in-ground systems to sand mounds and from spray irrigation systems to stream discharge systems. There are also seepage pits, cesspools, and homemade systems. This booklet is not intended to cover every situation, but is intended to give the homeowner an understanding of the concept of how a septic system works and a better understanding of a septic inspection.

The in-ground type of septic system uses a series of perforated pipes located below the ground surface. These pipes are placed in a bed of crushed stone or aggregate. The sewage flows over the crushed stone or aggregate into the underlying soil. The condition of this soil determines how well your septic system will operate and how large the absorption area needs to be. If the absorption area is too small and the soil is too tight as with clay soils, the liquid cannot soak into the soil fast enough causing the waste to either back up into the home or emerge at the ground surface. An early sign of waste emerging at the surface is “lush growth.” The saying “that the grass is always greener over the septic tank” isn’t true when it comes to a properly operating septic system.

How often should a septic tank be cleaned or pumped? The frequency for pumping a septic system depends on a number of factors; the average frequency is between two and four years. You can, in some cases, abuse a septic system and neglect to pump it for 10 or 20 years without any apparent problem. This would be like driving your automobile for 50,000 miles without changing the oil. You might get away with it, but you would certainly cause undue wear and tear on the engine. The same is true with a septic system. You may get away with not pumping the system for many years, but you will pay for it in the end by having to replace the absorption area.

When the soil conditions are right, an area of active microorganisms is formed where the waste enters the soil. As the waste slowly percolates through the soil the microorganisms continue to grow and feed on the harmful bacteria and viruses in the septic waste. The underlying soil continues to absorb and filter the waste. Four feet of soil is all that is needed to treat the septic waste in good soil conditions.

The Barrie Home Inspector always recommends that you have your septic tank pumped by a licensed installer who can give you a written assessment of the complete septic system.

Why You Should Consider a Tankless Water Heater

Why You Should Consider a Tankless Water Heater.  If you are looking to replace your old, out-dated storage tank water heater, you will find any number of benefits to take into account if you’re contemplating transitioning to a tankless water heater.  Tankless water heaters, also known as demand-type or instantaneous water heaters, provide hot water only as it is needed. They don’t produce the standby energy losses associated with storage water heaters, which can save you money.

You probably have heard the horror tales of folks who came home from work or vacation trips and discovered their houses flooded because their hot water heaters rusted through or malfunctioned in some other way.

Tankless Hot Water Heater by Barrie Home Inspector

Tankless water heaters work in an entirely different approach as compared to traditional units. Conventional units operate by retaining water in a tank and keeping that water at a relatively high temperature to ensure that it may be piped to the hot water faucet when it is turned on.  Gas tankless water heaters, which use high-powered burners to quickly heat water as it runs through a heat exchanger, were 22 percent more energy efficient on average than the gas-fired storage-tank models in our tests.  It could take up to 20 years to recoup the extra expense of installing a tankless water heater.

Tankless water heaters, in comparison, have sensors that identify when you’re using hot water and regulate the flow of water through your pipes to provide hot water in as little as two seconds! This means the heating mechanism is not continually working like in a conventional model, thereby saving energy and reducing your utility costs significantly. Finally, as the name implies, these heaters do not have a holding tank. The main advantages of tankless water heaters are a plentiful continuous flow of hot water (as compared to a limited flow of continuously heated hot water from conventional tank water heaters), and potential energy savings under some conditions.

Do you wish to convert that hot water heater closet to needed space? The tankless water heater is a fraction the proportions of a standard unit. It can be easily almost any place. Something to think about when selecting the placement is how long you’re prepared to wait for the hot water to reach your shower, washer, or wherever it is needed and whether or not the unit will be shielded from outside weather. As long as it’s correctly vented and wrapped ( if exposed to cold temperatures), a tankless water heater will perform efficiently in a garage. Just make sure that it’s impossible that a vehicle could contact or cause damage to it.

Hot water tanks, both conventional and tankless are inspected as part of a Barrie Home Inspection.   Call the Barrie Home Inspector for a Risk Free home inspection.

Common Places Water Leaks and Why

Common Places Water Leaks and Why.  Maintaining a home is not that easy. As a homeowner, you need to check everything inside the house to avoid problems that can affect your family in the future. One of these problems is leaks of water. Leaking water can not only damage your home; it also brings with it the threat of toxic mold growth. You do not want this to touch any of your children because this can make them sick.

Why it is often too late when you find out there is a leak? And if it’s already there, the damage is done. You spend hard earned cash on water leak repair and it’s not even funny. The reason for a water leak in your home is plain and simple: you forgot to routinely check your home for plumbing problems. Water is a universal solvent and it seeps through everywhere and anywhere. That is why, as mentioned, it is very important to give time to periodically inspect the insides of your home to avoid this nuisance.

How can you protect your family from this inconvenience? Here are several sources of water leaks common at any home. For your guidance: 1. Kitchen Sinks 2. Washing Machine Hoses 3. Water Heater Hoses 4. Bathroom Sinks and Tiles 5. Shower Heads 6. Toilet Bowl

The sink is a place that people never check. Look at how the pipes are under the cabinet. Older sinks may have the older style S trap, which is no longer permitted as it can siphon water out of trap allowing sewer gas to enter home.  Drains often leak at clean out and shut off valves can also leak causing damage to floor of cabinet

Another area to watch out for is your laundry room. The hose on your washing machine can cause a lot of damage if not secured into drain.  Remember though the your washer needs an air gap at the drain, so do not seal with duct tape etc.  Washing machines over 5 years old should be checked at least once every 6 months for leakage. As equipment grows old, it becomes subject to wear and tear. Even a thin spray of water on your hose can cause a big problem in the future.  Hot water tanks often start leaking at the pressure relief valve, which can start slowly and build up over time.  In Barrie ON most hot water tanks are rentals and service for leaks is free.

The bathroom is the prime culprit for water leaks. Caulking is required on all floor joints and around your bathtub. Cracks can induce leaking and if it is an upstairs bathroom can cause mould and mildew growth in your ceiling. Any water leak has the potential to allow the growth of mould.  Prevention is key and keeping a eye on your plumbing may save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in repairs.

The toilet is another common place for water leaks. Some people like to caulk their toilet to the floor but it is usually not a good idea as when seal leaks water is trapped and will rot out your floor.  Look at the piping and shut offs at least one time every month. When the floor around the toilet is always wet you probably have a leaking seal. The only way to make sure you don’t get problems is to look over your plumbing.

During the home inspection process Roger Frost of Barrie Home Inspections checks all plumbing for leaks, poor supports, type of material, properly installed traps and runs all taps and fixtures to ensure that they are functioning properly.  Jet tubs are filled up and tested to ensure that unit works and there are no leaks.

Pex Plumbing Facts and Installation

Pex Plumbing Facts and Installation.  PEX plumbing is gaining attention throughout the world due to its durability and amazing quality to provide the best plumbing applications. It is widely used for numerous commercial and residential purposes. It is always preferred by experienced plumbers because PEX tubing installation is the easiest and reliable as well. It is completely corrosion resistance and can withstand extreme temperatures. PEX is actually a cross linked polyethylene which is formed by a combination of several molecules. It is well known for its durable nature and is one of the toughest applications for plumbing or piping.

Before installation, there are a few things needed which must be considered seriously. If you want to do a job comfortably, there are a few things such as drilling machine, hangars, stud plates, straps and PEX fasteners. It is essential to measure the length of PEX tubing which is required. According to that length, you can buy hangars and PEX straps. PEX cutter and crimp rings are also required along with crimping tools. It is essential to consider all such PEX accessories to make a successful installation.
PEX is one of the durable plumbing applications which can resist extremely hot and cold temperatures. PEX pipe may shrink or expand depending upon the intensity of heating and cooling effect. However, the shrinking or cooling effect can be less than 1 inches for every 10 to 15 degree rise or down in temperature. PEX plumbing is in huge demand across the world and is becoming a favorite of people due to its durability and longevity.

The procedure to install PEX piping is very easy and simple. You can do it by yourself or call a professional also. You need to drill holes in the walls at regular intervals in order to fix the pipe correctly. You can assure fixation of the piping by using straps and hangars. Then, the final task is to connect PEX pipes with plumbing attachments. It is essential to fix crimp rings by using crimper tool but make sure to install pipe at the right distance. It can be used and installed easily. Nowadays, it is widely used for water pipes to prevent water leakage which is very common in other traditional type of pipes.

After that, you need to insert tubing into the fitting of a piper. It should be slightly away from tubing. It is essential to ensure whether crimp ring attached to the crimper is available at 90 degrees or not. Make sure to close the crimp tool fully over crimp ring. Inspection is one of the essential factors which must be done perfectly. Finishing of all joints must be done precisely and accurately. In order to acquire perfect results, it is essential to do PEX installation precisely and accurately. If crimp tool is not available at 90 degrees then make sure to adjust it to get good results. PEX installation is completely different as compared to other kinds of copper tubing and PVC. So, it can be said that one must consider PEX installation as its very advantageous and can save your money in the long run.

Then there are the check valves which are used to ensure the flow of water. It checks whether water is flowing in the right direction or not. Sillcocks and Gate Valves have their own work during installation. On the other hand, thermostatic mixing valveare also widely used for residential applications. This kind of valve is mainly used to control the flow of liquid propane and natural gas. Gas ball valve has a handle and ball which helps the gas line to get turned off. Sillcock is also a valve which can be installed parallel over outside wall. It is mainly utilized for the linking of hose.

So, by considering the above PEX installation guide, you can get rid from all kinds of breakage and leakage in a house. It is not only durable but it is one of the best choices to fulfill plumbing needs of your house.