WETT Inspections in Barrie
We provide same day service to clients in Barrie and Area
If you require a Certified WETT Inspection of your Woodstove, Fireplace or Pellet stove
Call the Barrie WETT Inspector.
What is WETT ? Wood Energy Technology Transfer is a Non-Profit education and training association dedicated to training individuals to perform a Certified Inspection of your Wood Burning appliance.
How Long is Wett Certified Inspection good for? WETT Inc. has no time limits on the validity of your WETT Inspection report. Your Home Insurance Company is the deciding factor and each company is different. Some Insurance Companies will require a new WETT Certified Inspection when a home is purchased. Many people are requested to obtain a new WETT inspection when changing Insurance Companies. Check with your Insurance Company prior to changing to ensure your saving enough money to justify the cost of a WETT Inspection.
Some of the Items Checked during WETT Inspection
Smoke Chamber – checked for cleanliness and any openings or cracks.
Damper – checked for proper operation
Firebox – all seals and material are inspected for openings or damage
Hearth & Floor Protection – Inspected and measured to ensure compliance
Flue Pipes & Venting – Correct installation and clearances verified
Clearances to Combustibles – All required clearances are verified
Chimney Construction – All surfaces and supports are inspected
Rain caps – recommended for all clay flue chimney installations
Chimney Cap and Liner – Inspected for cracks or missing mortar
Ensure your families “Peace of Mind” by having your “Wood Burning Appliance” inspected by a WETT Certified Inspector.
If you are purchasing a new home that has a Wood Burning Appliance you can take advantage of the Barrie Home Inspector’s discount of $150.00 when included as part of Home Inspection package.
That’s right! Your WETT inspection is only $100.00 per appliance with Home Inspection package. Regular WETT Inspection fee is $250.00.
Visit the Barrie WETT Inspection website for useful information about installation or clearances required.
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