Toronto Commercial Building Inspector. In Ontario Part 3 of the Ontario Building Code covers buildings over 600 M2 in size. The Ontario Building Officials Association offers many courses specific to Large Buildings which would be considered necessary if planning to inspect a Part 3 building.
Large Buildings is an intensive course dealing with the Occupancy of Buildings; Building Fire Safety; Safety within Floor Areas; Exits; Barrier Free Design; Structural Design; Change of Use and Renovations to name a few. As you can see from the subject titles all of these aspects of a building are important and can be very expensive to repair or upgrade.
The Classification and Construction course typically offers and includes the following: building classification; separation of major occupancies; building area and height; streets; building size and construction; occupant load; fire separation/fire-resistance ratings; firewalls; closures; Ontario Building Code requirements; fire stopping; provision for firefighting; and mezzanines and interconnected floor spaces.
Part 3 Fire Protection is an OBOA course dealing with all aspects of your buildings fire protection features. Your local building department may require you to upgrade your features where the following are lacking or require improvement; Fire Resistant ratings; where the building coded requires Fire Separations because of Building Classification, separation of major occupancies, service spaces and exits including penetrations of fire separations. An unknowing inspector may lead you to believe your building is code compliant when you could in fact be faced with spending thousands or tens of thousands in required building code upgrades.
The Commercial Building Inspector is a qualified Building Code inspector. He is a Certified Building Code Official with the Ontario Building Officials Association and is fully qualified on Large Buildings and Part 3 of the Ontario Building Code. An unknowing inspector may lead you to believe your building is code compliant when you could in fact be faced with spending thousands or tens of thousands in required building code upgrades.
The most important aspect of having your Commercial Property inspected is knowing the Qualifications of the actual inspector performing the inspection. There is no value to hiring a well known firm whose founder is extremely well educated, only to find out that you are going to be dealing with an employee, who may or may not have the qualifications you are looking for. The Commercial Building Inspector attends every inspection and uses only highly trained assistants to aid him.
The Commercial Building Inspector has experience in Project Reviews, Over 4,000 paid inspections, is a Certified Building Code Official and has experience in hundreds of plaza’s, Malls, Strip Malls, Medical Buildings, Apartment Buildings, Mixed Use and Multiple Occupancy building inspections. Visit Commercial Building Inspector to review Buildings Inspected and Qualifications, you won’t be disappointed.