There are a number of items that you should be aware of before hiring a roofing contractor to re-roof your home. We will discuss some of the basic items you should know about roof installations. The materials themselves represent a relatively small portion of the bill. The bulk of what you’ll spend goes for the skilled labor involved. And that makes choosing an experienced pro the best way to protect your investment and ensure a professionally finished product.
First there are multiple products available to install on your roof. Although most people choose fiberglass shingles there are many grades of shingle available. The most common types of roof coverings are: three-tab, architectural, metal and tile. The three-tab shingles are very common and inexpensive however their life span is typically only 12-15 years. One of the most popular types of shingles are the architectural shingles. They are very attractive, inexpensive and when installed correctly they have a life span of up to 30 years. If you are interested in metal or tile shingles be aware of the fact that they are more expensive and will cost almost three times more than basic fiberglass shingles.
How to find an experienced roofing company or contractor? Before hiring anyone you will need to make sure that the roofing company or contractor has workers compensation and liability insurance in case an accident occurs on your property. Most professional roofers will give you a free estimate for the project. Also make sure that the roofing company or contractor will provide you with a list of references from previous jobs. This list should include names, addresses and phone numbers so that you can contact past customers to determine the roofing company or contractor’s workmanship when it comes to your roofing project.
Ensure your written contract covers your flashing ( whether replaced or re-used ) roof vent replacement, ice and water shield and drip edge. Sometimes one quote is cheaper than another for a reason.
Most important is the warranty that the roofing company or contractor you wish to hire will provide. Most shingle manufactures have a limited warranty which only valid if shingles are installed according to the manufactures installation instructions.
Get written quotes for the work to be done on your roof and make sure that they contain everything you ask for.
Fully understand what work you are signing for, what work is included and what work isn’t. If you don’t understand, ask questions until you do.
Make sure you get all necessary information about the roofing contractor, such as the invoice, estimate or contract giving the full name of the sales person and the name, address and phone number of the roofing contractor.
Ask your contractor if the workers have been trained to work safely and have taken the Working at Heights training or other fall protection training.
Avoid any contractors who try to offer you a tax-free deal to replace your roof. This can be a sign that a business is not only avoiding tax responsibility, but other important consumer and worker protection responsibilities as well. Also, a tax-free deal without a receipt provides no legal recourse over the goods and services purchased, and can result in you having to pay twice if the job is left unfinished or done poorly.
Here are a few tips to follow when choosing a good roofing contractor: 1. Is the roofing company licensed with the province of Ontario? (are they actually a company) 2. Does the roofing company carry valid liability insurance coverage? 3. Is the company registered with the WSIB and is the account in good standing and eligible for a clearance certificate? 4. Do the company employees have (FALL ARREST) training with certificates? 5. Has at least one employee (the supervisor) on the installation crew taken a CPR course? 6. Does the company employ, or use sub-contractors for the installation? (this will play a big part in quality of work) 7. The company should have some sort of credential/special training through the material manufacturer in order to install product properly in accordance with manufacturers specs, and therefore can offer extended warranties on the entire roofing system via the manufacturer. 8. THE WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE… The company should be able to stand behind their work for a specified period of time. 9. Look forward to seeing a proper proposal from the company that outlines the scope of the work. 10.The lowest quote is not always the best one…it comes back to that old saying “you get what you pay for”
Doing Your Own Roof Repair. Looking at roofing work you need done, the idea of trying a DIY fix could occur to you. Even if the concept sounds great, you take a number of risks when going down this road. The money you’ll hope to save on labor ends up being spent on extra materials and wasted time that distracts you from other responsibilities. Before you decide to take on a DIY roofing repair project, realize you are facing these substantial risks.
Doing Your Own Roof Repair. Creating leaks and other damage. Even though you might think you are solving a problem, amateur work often opens the door to new problems. DIY roofers will typically report they successfully fixed one problem but discover they started one that is worse. The last thing you want is to be sitting at home during a major storm and discover your roof is leaking.
Jeopardizing your personal protection. Whenever you examine local media websites, you always discover cases of individuals wounding themselves when trying to accomplish DIY roofing work. You will need training and finesse to work in this high, hazardous location on the home. Unless you have real-life expertise as a roofer, you are best to leave the task within the hands of qualified authorities.
Paying the top costs (sometimes more than once). Professional roofing providers have access to wholesale rates and the experience to drag off jobs effectively at the first try. When you go the DIY method, you may always spend more for supplies while running the risk you won’t do it right the very first time. Finding a professional solves both issues.
Wasting days of valuable time. Most homeowners concede the fact that they will spend more time on DIY projects than professionals but fail to see the problem with this approach. You could be spending the time you lose on work that generates income instead of trying out roofing repairs. Focus on your strengths to keep your finances sound.
Being unequipped to tackle separate issues. Sometimes, roofers find larger problems they can immediately address so you don’t risk larger issues. Are you prepared to confront the challenges that await on your roof? Before you get started, understand you may have address asbestos and other complex issues.
DIY roofing repairs might sound like the type of work you can handle, but you risk a lot in terms of safety and money when you can’t pull it off correctly. Trust the professionals to do it right.
Snow Retention Devices For Safety. Snow retention devices like snow clips and others can be utilized to protect people from the off chance of being caught by rooftop snow falling on them. As rare as it may sound, people are killed or injured every winter from rooftop snow and ice sliding off in heavy sheets or chunks. Thousands of dollars in damage to vehicles or other property can be avoided also by using the snow retention devices sold by companies such as TRA-Mage. Snow clips and other snow retention devices can be a good idea for many building or homeowners. We will discuss some reasons people use them, and reasons that people pass on them.
What perils could rooftop snow present such that products like snow clips are used? What benefits can snow retention products provide home or building owners who decide to use them? Why might some people not utilize these tools? We will look into some information to try to provide answers to such questions.
During the winter of 2010, two men in Colorado were killed by rooftop snow. The men were outside the cabin they were staying in when a large sheet of snow slid off the roof all at once and buried them. In 2012, a man was trapped in (and fortunately rescued from) his car after it was crushed by rooftop snow. These unfortunate incidents are not the only ones that show why rooftop snow retention can be a serious issue. Each winter snow and ice can accumulate in large sheets or chunks that can slide off and injure people or damage property. So obviously, snow clips and other snow retention products from companies such as TRA-Mage are important to think about.
Building owners should have a plan and prepare to prevent such incidents. Whether they opt to go with regular manual snow removal from the rooftop, or whether they install snow retention tools, owners can protect people and property. Snow retention devices are most helpful for property owners with heavily angled rooftops and those roofs finished with materials such as tile, metal, or slate. Snow clips can make snow and ice melt off safely by breaking large chunks into smaller, less-dangerous ones.
People who reside in warmer regions that rarely get snow have probably not read to this point. Further, people who own flat-roofed buildings also do not usually need snow retention devices, but instead must deal with the hassle of snow removal. There are other weaker excuses to not use snow retention products though. Perhaps there are some who do not want them on their roof because they don’t like the look of them. Others might find such devices too expensive. Either way, any building owner that lives in a wintry area should probably at least think about how to prevent rooftop snow accidents.
While snow clips made by companies like TRA-Mage and others may not solve all winter problems, they can at least protect people from some serious dangers.
Residential roofing companies provide a necessary service and product to property owners. However, when a person must select a contractor, it is important to choose an experienced company who has a past record of good workmanship and guarantee’s their work. The following are some suggestions that will make choosing your roofer a little easier.
The first step is to determine if the roofer is licensed to work in your area. Most cities and municipalities require companies be licensed and insured. Any reluctance to provide such credentials on the part of the contractor should be a red flag by the home owner.
It is also wise to ask for and check references. However, as the majority of contractors will only offer contact information for clients who had no complaints, it is also advisable to seek other avenues through which the professional’s reputation can be evaluated. The Better Business Bureau can provide a record of any complaints were entered against the roofer and if so, whether or not they were resolved.
When the contractor visits the home to offer a quote, the property owner should inquire about any factors that would result in the final cost being significantly higher than the initial estimate. The roofer should also be asked what kinds of roofing they are qualified to install, as special qualifications and training are sometimes needed in order to handle certain materials.
Additionally, all homeowners should inquire about the number of people who will be involved with the job. The client should ask how closely such individuals will be supervised. A timeframe for the job’s completion is also an important consideration and one that should not be overlooked.
It is important to examine and understand the roofers warranty information so that you know which materials come with a guarantee. Although it is advisable to acquire numerous estimates, a homeowner should never choose residential roofers based entirely on their price. Instead, all of the information outlined above should be taken into consideration prior to making a final choice.
Green Roofing And Its Advantages. The environment can be exposed to various changes, abuse, and depletion. Global warming is continuously on the rise. It would be important then to make wise choices in choosing materials, designs, and structures. You can actually affect the environment with your choice on these things. You should really make an effort to choose ecological, energy efficient, and cost effective materials. It should apply for all parts including your roof. It would be really good to choose sustainable green roofing. You can have many options for this. You can also get various benefits when making this choice. Learn then what these benefits are.
Placing the roof with various gardens would be involved in forming green roofs. The gardens could be extensive, semi-intensive, or intensive, depending on the number of plants, maintenance needs, and depth. The top layers would be covered usually with plants. Other environmentally friendly options may be also involved. Use of photovoltaic panels can be included. Solar energy can be tapped, stored, and used with this. Energy efficient, highly reflective, and cool roof coatings may be also used. Proper drainage, irrigation, and waterproofing systems would be also needed by these technologies.
It will generate various advantageous effects. Such technologies will really reduce heat being absorbed. The roof will absorb lesser heat. The panels, plants, and coatings will really mitigate a huge percentage of heat. These things will store, reflect, or use heat. Less heat will be then absorbed into the structure. It will considerably cool the structure. If used in buildings, this will reduce urban island effect too.
Lesser heat will then result to less usage of cooling systems. One will require less cooling to provide a comfortable temperature. This will also mean reduced use in electricity. One could acquire huge savings in electricity with this. It could conserve some non-renewable energy forms then.
Carbon dioxide emissions would be also lesser. Carbon footprint would be really lowered. Lesser carbon footprint would be produced when electricity usage is lessened. Carbon dioxide can be also used by garden plants in photosynthesis.
They can also use storm water efficiently. It can tap rainwater and use them productively. Good systems in drainage and irrigation would use water efficiently.
Properties can be also added with much beauty. Efficient, timeless, and stylish designs can be formed to complement them. The property value can be also increased with these technologies. This investment would be worth it then.
You can really get many benefits with using sustainable green roofing. You should really apply these technologies for your home, building, or property. It would help the environment, provide cool temperatures, and give savings for you.
Ecologically aware families may want to know more about sustainable green roofing. They can find out more about green roofs by checking out information today online.
Snow Clips and Metal Roofs are usually present on any new construction. Ice and snow building up on rooftops can be a serious problem, and owners of homes or buildings with certain slick roofing materials look to snow clips to solve the problem. So, what are snow clips and where are they installed? They’re small triangular peaks typically made of plastic or metal and fastened to metallic or other slick rooftops near the eave to break down snow and ice that has accumulated so that it won’t all fall at once in a heavy clump or sheets of ice which can injure people and tear off gutter systems.
Snow clips aren’t perfect for all roofs. There are negative and positive results when installing snow bars, clips or rails. What kinds of roofs surfaces actually benefit the most from snow clip, snow bars or railing installation? Can these different products actually reduce hazards present when heavy snow and ice build up on roofs? Is installing clips expensive or can it be done by the homeowner with relative ease? The answers to these questions can give the average home owner help in making an informed decision.
Metal roofs are the ideal candidate for installing snow clips, snow railing or bar systems. If your home has an existing metal roof, you know how often ice and snow slide right off over the eaves onto ground below, and you know why snow clips and other systems came into being. But not all metallic roofs need clips. Snow retention devices such as clips are worthless on a flat rooftop where manual snow removal is the only option. Snow does not fall from flat roofs either. Sloped roofs made of all different types of materials can benefit from having some type of snow retention device installed. Heavily pitched tile, slate, or metal rooftops in areas that typically have at least one decent snowfall each winter can benefit the most from installing these snow retention devices and prevent possible injury to occupants.
While adding these devices is probably never a bad idea, not all regions encounter enough snow and ice buildup to warrant the expense of installing snow clip systems. Heavy snow load climates obviously call for snow retention devices. However, the danger of falling ice and snow can be very hazardous. Injuries and even some deaths occur every winter, and vehicles and other property are severely damaged each year by sudden falls of masses of snow and ice from rooftops. While manual snow removal by owners or by hired help can replace these devices, the dangers of actually being on the rooftop in winter conditions is removed.
Installation can present some difficulties. While snow clips can be installed without professional assistance, it may be a difficult task for those who aren’t familiar with working on slippery rooftops. Hiring a roofing contractor or other assistance may be expensive and beyond the means of some home owners. Clips can typically only be installed in warmer months, as cold temperatures can render adhesives and sealants ineffective. However, for any able-bodied handyman , this may be a pretty straightforward installation project that could make a building or household safer in the winter.
The Barrie Home Inspector regularly checks metal roofs for signs of gutter damage and other deficiencies caused by falling ice and snow.