Water Stains on Your Ceiling can indicate serious problems. Many times during a home inspection I come across water stains on ceilings of the home. In this article we are going to discuss some of the causes of water stains. Every house is different and this means that every stain is different. Only training and experience can help a home inspector make an informed decision regarding types and causes of water stains.
The most common ceiling stains found in Barrie ON is caused by leaks from a bathroom located above the affected area. For some reason townhouses seem to be susceptible to this problem, which may be due to a lot of town homes being rentals. Now this type of leak could be caused by something as simple as a child or adult not ensuring shower curtain is properly in place when having a shower. Worst case is a leaking tub overflow pipe or leaking supply line. If the leak is continuing then you will require a plumber to access the hidden plumbing to make a repair.
Leaks around brick fireplaces are fairly common and can usually be traced back to a penetration from the exterior of the home. The most common problem with a chimney leaking is usually just a separation of the flashing which can be easily repaired with caulking. Any chimney which is 30 inches or wider requires a “cricket or saddle” which diverts water to sides of chimney. Proper flashing and caulking is very important in this area.
Staining in upper bedrooms or on the main floor in a bungalow are usually caused by a roof leak. This is a common occurrence in older homes and especially rental properties as the roof is typically not replaced until it starts leaking. Simply replacing failing shingles will remedy the cause of the ceiling staining. Roof vents can also be a source of water leaks which can cause staining. Turbines will allow both water and snow to enter your attic and will eventually find its way down to your ceiling. I have installed two batts of fiberglass insulation underneath all my turbines to catch any snow or moisture which will evaporate without causing damage to my blown cellulose insulation. This method has been in place for over three years and there is no mould or moisture damage to the fiberglass batts.
Rubber flashings on plumbing vent pipes are another cause of water leaks. Examining your flashing will quickly tell you if it is in need of repair or replacement. Even the plumbing vent itself has been known to cause leaks in attics which will end up in your drywall below. If your vent pipe extends horizontally and does not have the required fall water can collect in pipe and leak from a faulty joint causing a water stain. Most roofs will fail at around 20 years of age and many roofers will re-use old flashings and valleys to save money. Insist on new flashings and valleys whenever possible, your roof will look nicer and you will have more protection from leaks.
Bathroom exhaust fans pass through your attic. In older homes they were vented using cheap plastic flexible ducts which were sometimes hung just below a roof vent. The new building code requires that any exhaust duct passing through a un-heated space be insulated and the exhaust duct discharge to exterior. Having a un-insulated exhaust duct can allow water to collect in duct and eventually stop the flow of air and cause a build-up of condensation.
Ceiling stains around the perimeter of a room below the roof are usually caused by ice dams. This occurs in the winter when you have inadequate insulation and ventilation in your attic. Heat trapped in your attic melts the snow against the shingles, which then freezes and turns to ice. This pattern keeps occurring creating an ice dam and the eventual backing up of water under your shingles causing an eventual water leak in your ceiling. Heating cables installed along edge of roof are a good indication that home has problem with “ice damming”.
Repairing a water leak in your ceiling is as critical as finding the cause. If you notice an active water leak in your ceiling, poke a hole to allow water to drain into pot or bucket rather than allowing it to spread and cause greater damage. Any significant leak will require the removal of tiles or drywall etc to prevent the growth of mould. Experts say the first two days after a water leak is important if you want to prevent the growth of mould.
When you hire the Barrie Home Inspector you get the knowledge and experience of someone who has inspected over 4,000 homes and is a Certified Master Inspector as well as a Certified Building Code Official.
Energy Savings for Your Home. When comparing your average North American home to an energy efficient house, it’s possible to reduce annual energy bills from 40 percent to 50 percent. Energy conscious homeowners should consider developing their own energy conservation plan for their home. This is both an environmentally friendly and economically sound action which the whole family can participate in. Get the kids involved by using charts and graphs and showing them the money and energy saving results.
Although we all have to do it, most people don’t realize that heating your home constitutes your largest energy expenditure. Even a little conservation of heating fuel goes a long way toward achieving a lower utility bill. Dialing down the thermostat one degree during the winter can result in about 1 to 3 percent less fuel use, and a similar reduction in your heating bill. Your furnace should be cleaned, lubricated and have regular maintenance to ensure it is running at its peak efficiency. A dirty air filter can make your furnace run longer to heat your home and should be replaced on a regular basis. Setting back your thermostat at night or when nobody is home will also add to your savings. Most professionals do not recommend a washable air filter for high efficiency furnaces as the air movement restriction will force your furnace fan to work harder and make your furnace less efficient. Use as a minimum a pleated air filter with metal strips to create a electrostatic effect.
When doing laundry use cold water and save from 85 to 90 percent of the energy you would normally use. Front loading machines use less water and energy, up to fifty percent. Also wash full loads to ensure you are fully utilizing energy being consumed. Most newer detergents are suitable for cold water washing.
You can make a lot of progress toward improving the energy efficiency in your home by simply plugging the many places through which air can get in or get out. Plugging your home is called “air sealing,” and it is one of the most important first steps to take when weatherizing your house to increase its energy efficiency.our windows and doors allow a lot of energy to escape which is costing you money. Ensure all your window frames, door frames and sills are caulked using a silicone based sealant. Make sure your heat registers are not being blocked by furniture.
Water heating is the next largest home energy load after heating and cooling. The best way to reduce water heating energy use is to ensure your water heater’s thermostat is set to 120°F (you no longer have to set your water heater to a higher temperatures to sanitize dishes if your dishwasher has a booster heater). Improvements such as installing low-flow faucets and shower heads, and insulating hot water pipes will also help you save money on water heating.
Most central air conditioning units last about 20 years. At 12 years old, your air conditioning unit is passing its mid-life point. Even if your air conditioner is only 10 years old, you may save 20-40 percent of your cooling energy costs by replacing it with a newer, more efficient model. The most efficient models have a SEER rating of at least 15.
Ensure your Home Inspector is up to date on energy efficient systems and methods. When buying a home in Barrie ON call Roger Frost, the Premier Barrie home inspector
Ask For References Before Hiring A Contractor. Knowing how to do upkeep and update your house is the best way to maintain and increase the value of your home. More than that, you need them in order to maintain a great home. Numerous options for improving your living space are available. The complexity of these projects are just as varied. Read the following article for some great ideas.
Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. The sooner you get started with the planning phase, the more time you have to make decisions. You’ll be much less stressed during your project if you don’t feel rushed. Remember when the economy is booming every one who has a hammer and a truck becomes a contractor. Take the time to visit some previous jobs so you can see the attention to detail or if the job even got completed. If your contractor can start right away it should set off warning bells and you probably should start looking for a new contractor.
Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. There is a lot of opportunity to get creative, or you have the option of keeping it simple. The installation of ceramic tile goes a long way toward making your home decor project more profitable.
Enhance your home’s aesthetics by taking on a new project in landscaping. You can plant lovely flowers, bushes or vines with whimsical trellises and strategically place stepping stones about the yard. Devoting some time to your landscaping not only makes your home more attractive, it can even make it more valuable.
Clear out your clutter before starting any home improvement project. You’ll have more space to move items such as furniture around your home and eliminate extra waste as well. The fewer items you have taking up space, the larger your room looks and feels.
A home improvement upgrade that offers a substantial return is a new steel entry door. Studies show that homeowners who bought steel entry doors recouped about 129% of the costs of their projects when they sold their home. Steel doors can make any home more attractive, all while conserving energy.
Putting in a new floor is always worth considering. Though the price of new flooring can get costly, the rewards make the cost worthwhile. Not only does removing old carpeting or linoleum to install new hardwood floors give you a beautiful space, but this type of flooring has a long life that adds a significant amount to the value of your home.
Wood-burning stoves should be certified by the EPA. Most stoves that are newly made are certified, but if you buy a used one, you will want to check to be sure. Inspect your wood burning stove for leaks to guard against carbon monoxide.
Consider freestanding units when purchasing new bedroom furniture. Furniture that is built into your bedroom definitely saves space and presents an appealing image, but when it comes time to move, it is impossible to take those pieces of furniture with you. Additionally, units that are free standing can be sold or moved.
Keep records of everything you are having done if you have decided to hire a contractor to do your home improvement tasks. Never rely on your contractor to do so. Save all the contracts and invoices that have anything to do with your project. This helps everyone involved stay focused on the current task.
When you are putting tile in a place there is moisture, do not forget the back board made of cement. Cement baker boards keep away moisture. If drywall is exposed to moisture, mold and mildew will damage the wall.
Have everything in perspective when making home improvements. You need to consider the reasons you are doing your renovations and how it will help you in the long run. Before you invest your money and time into these changes, make sure that the changes are worthwhile.
Wood offers the warmest welcome to your home. Wooden decks are especially appealing. Deck stain protects all those beautiful surfaces, providing long lasting beauty and protection. When you see different signs of wear, a fresh coat would be advisable. How To Use Deck Stain is a valuable resource for the do it your self home owner.
Although there are all kinds of wood protecting products, choose those with the highest protection. Stains are very good for all horizontal surfaces, because they are especially sensitive. Besides, they keep the natural appearance of all wooden parts, and this is also important.
It is great if your chosen product allows wood texture to be seen, but it is up to you. Semi-transparent formulas are highly protective, but you can still see the grain texture. Use the products with less pigmentation on new decks and those in perfect condition. Older ones require more pigment to cover different imperfections.
Protecting and maintaining your wooden decks is something you should do regularly. Once a year is usually enough for all weather zones. For some zones every second or even third year might be enough. It depends on so many factors, like, for example, snow, high humidity, salty air and so on.
Oil based stains are very efficient in protection. They penetrate wood very deep, making it fresh and renewed. Without Thin layer on the surface, this kind of coloring is resistant to scratches and peeling. When you start applying it, do the handrail first. You can clean drippings this way.
For the horizontal surface it would be best to use spray. It is very nice technique and everyone can learn it. Your job will be done quickly. If you see some puddles, align them using brush, or a roller. Don’t apply too much of your chosen product, just the amount the wood can absorb. deck stain can make your wood surface beautiful again, protecting it at the same time.
Have your new homes deck inspected by a home inspector who is a Certified Building Code Official when buying property in Barrie ON.
Preparing For A Big Move. Packing and moving to a new house can be very tedious, especially if you have a house that is packed with a lifetime of precious items. The process of moving to a new home includes, hiring movers to help you move your belongings, loading and unloading of said belongings, connecting and disconnecting appliances, carefully packing and unpacking fragile items and many other tasks which can and will consume a lot of your time and energy. A lot of moving companies will pack your items for you at an extra cost. Most times it is worth it to let the professionals pack for you.
The moving process can be a very traumatic experience and at the least will stress you out a good deal. However, if you hire the right moving company, you can lessen these emotional factors. In other words, the process of moving can be less stressful if you hire good, qualified movers to help you move. When it comes to moving your precious belongings such as the furniture, electrical appliances like the refrigerator, washing machine, dryer and more, care has to be taken if you want your pieces to function correctly at the new house. Therefore, it is important that you hire professional movers and packers to help you with the move. Most professional moving companies offer to do the packing as well, so hiring a company that offers both services could save you some money.
These professional packers will ensure that all your valuable belongings, big or small, are packed safely in bubble wrap and placed in high quality cartons or boxes. With so many movers to choose from, it is tough to know which is the right one for you. Do not worry as this article will give you some tips on how to choose the right movers to make your relocation to or from whichever city, a stress-free experience. Or, as stress-free as a move can be!
One of the first things you should do is gather as much information as you are able to on the most experienced movers and packers that operate in your area.The following step should be ti invite Four to Five moving companies to visit your home to give you a free moving quote. When they are at your home for estimate, it’s a great time to interview them and find out about their experience and the process they use as movers. Additionally, a good idea is to get some recommendations from your neighbors, friends, co-workers or acquaintances on their favorite moving companies. Another place, as always to find lots of info is on the Internet.
Make sure to find out if the moving company has good storage facilities. This is an important factor when considering which moving company may be right for you. This is important, mainly because, you may not be able to move into your new home at exactly the time you were hoping. Choose a moving company with adequate storage facilities so that if and when that does happen, you’ll have a solid backup plan. Find out if their storage facilities are climate controlled and well priced. We truly hope these tips and guidelines will help you in preparing for your next move and make it a better experience than last time.
If you are moving, before purchasing that new home, call the Barrie Home Inspection Services for guaranteed Peace of Mind.
Fake Grass and Real Grass.
You need a new lawn at your business or your home, but how do you choose between the real thing and synthetic grass? Not too many years ago, everyone knew that there was no substitute for the soft, green beauty of real grass. Today, that statement is not always true. Many commercial projects are being completed with synthetic products, and homeowners are starting to turn in this direction as well. In order to make this decision for yourself, you need to understand the key differences between both of these options.
The Look of Grass
If you buy a high quality fake grass, you should not be able to tell the difference going off of appearances alone. A field of the fake stuff looks just as stunningly green and healthy as a field of the real stuff today. Since the fake stuff doesn’t have a demand for water like real grass, you will notice that it doesn’t look sad and discolored during a dry season.
When the weather turns wet, you always have to deal with the fast growth cycle of real grass. Your home will never have that overgrown neglected look with synthetic grass, since it does not shoot up when rain is applied.
Think of the fake stuff as a beautiful stretch of green that never goes away, and the real stuff as a sometimes-beautiful stretch of green that demands a lot of your time.
When you fail to properly care for real grass, your property will look neglected or abandoned. Your lawn will either look dead and brown, or it will look overgrown and forgotten. Of course, there is always the issue of pesky weeds that like to invade real grass lawns.
You will not be required to invest nearly as much time on fake grass. You don’t have to spend hours mowing or worrying about weeds. This is a carefree way to get the beauty and softness of real grass. Real grass suffers when the weather goes to either extreme, but the fake stuff is far more durable.
The Tough Score
A synthetic lawn is always going to be tougher than a lawn of real grass. Your children can enjoy themselves for afternoon play, ride their bikes through it, and you never have to worry about it dying out from the traffic. You are free to live your life on a fake turf without worry that the lawn you worked so hard to beautiful will be destroyed.
What Is Best for You?
No matter what type of grass you purchase, there will be some type of maintenance involved. As you make your decision, think about how much time you will have to spend taking care of each of these types of grass. It is important to remember that real grass will not be green all year round and will always demand more of your time.
If you want the perfectly green lawn year round, you will have to go with a synthetic product. Of course, you can go with real grass if you just love spending hours mowing every week and doing other chores in the hot sun.
We used to walk our dog past a small lawn in Barrie ON with fake grass. Looked great right up until snow fell. Never saw anyone doing anything to it and it stayed at the perfect height.
How to repair Exterior and Interior wood on your home.
Why people are investing in properties in Barrie ON
Beware of homes that have had quick renovation. Lipstick on a Pig.